Today I find I can’t download my new project’s GoogleService-Info.plist from Firebase console. When I click button to download GoogleService-Info.plist, Firebase console keep show error information “There was an error. The config file cannot be downloaded at this time.”, like this:

I try and try, and follow the instruction from this StackOverflow post. But it does not work.
After several times retried, I looked at the contents of GoogleService-Info.plist, this is a text format plist file. The contents are very simple, is design to tell the code some information about your Firebase project and app.
So I find a GoogleService-Info.plist from my old project as a template, input the information from the Firebase console into the template file. Share it with you guys, in case you can’t download GoogleService-Info.plist either.
Template File (GoogleService-Info.plist ):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Your client ID (You can copy from your old file)</string>
<string>(You can copy from your old file)</string>
<string>Project number</string>
<string>Bundle ID</string>
<string>Project ID</string>
<string>App ID</string>
Get the detailed information from the Firebase console Project setting page: